BUI: Boating Under the Influence
Lower the illegal BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) for Boating Under the Influence from
.10 to .08. Many who will boat under the influence will then operate their motor vehicle
under the influence.
ALS: Automatic License Suspension
Allows police to immediately suspend a driver's license at the time of the
DUI arrest or for refusal to submit to a BAC test. 42 states implement ALS.
Vehicle Immobilization/Seizure/Forfeiture
Studies have shown that offenders whose vehicles were impounded had lower rates of
DUI recidivism both during and after the termination of the sanctions than offenders
who did not receive the sanctions. 28 states implement some type of vehicle immobilization/impoundment.
Mandatory Testing
Require that BAC testing be performed on drivers involved in a crash involving death
or injury. 40 states implement mandatory testing.
Increase Tax on Beer
Higher prices on beer have a particularly strong effect on price-sensitive young
people, and research shows that reductions in youth alcohol consumption can be realized
by increasing the federal excise tax on beer. Higher beer taxes are associated with
lower rates of traffic fatalities.
Repeat Offenders
Lower the BAC level for convicted DUI offenders. 4 states implement.
Fleeing & Eluding
Elevate to felony an attempt to flee or elude police while DUI across state lines. Elevate
fleeing after causing a serious crash to 2nd degree felony.